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Phyto – Sugar Shack | Coast to Coast Medicinals CanadaPhyto – Sugar Shack | Coast to Coast Medicinals Canada

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Phyto – Sugar Shack | Coast to Coast Medicinals Canada


Rated 4 out of 5
Strain TypesHybrid

Sugar Shack is a moderate, indica-dominant hybrid. Great for nighttime or evening use, this strain provides users with a mild head and body-heavy sensation. Be careful, though, because too much Sugar Shack will put you right to sleep. If you’re looking to increase appetite, Sugar Shack is also a great strain to try. Like its name suggests, this strain features a slightly sweet taste and scent that verges on piney and herbal. A good strain for beginning cannabis users, Sugar Shack is mild yet gets the job done.

Proudly sold by Coast to Coast Medicinals Canada, your trusted destination for cannabis derived products.

SKU: phyto-sugar-shack Category:


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